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  • 25th August, 2022

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      From In Africa

      Zambia’s Top Export and Import Trading Partners in 2021

      Switzerland, China, and Singapore ranked among Zambia’s top ten export trading partners in 2021. According to data obtained by Mustard Insights, Zambia’s main export consists of “copper, accounting for 70 percent of Africa’s production and 60 percent of country’s total exports

      Zambia’s Top Export and Import Trading Partners in 2021

      Switzerland, China, and Singapore ranked among Zambia’s top ten export trading partners in 2021. According to data obtained from Webgate and Trading economics, Zambia’s main export consists of “copper, accounting for 70 percent of Africa’s production and 60 percent of country’s total exports. Hence, the major industries in Zambia include firms that are involved in processing, copper mining, emerald mining etc. 

      Zambia’s Export Metrics

      Zambia’s main export partner is Switzerland. Trade between these two countries accounts for 45 percent of total exports in Zambia (Trading Economics), while half of Zambia’s copper exports goes to Switzerland. A total of 3.66 billion euros was traded in exports between them in 2021. Other exports to Switzerland include, ores slag and ash, tobacco, pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, cotton, vegetable plaiting materials, vegetable products, articles of iron or steel, inorganic chemicals, precious metal compound and more (Trading Economics).

      China is the second country with the most traded exports from the country, accounting for 20 percent of the Zambia’s total exports. Zambia traded a exports valued at 2.69 billion euros. Like Switzerland, exports between Zambia and China included, copper, ores slag and ash, tobacco, pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, cotton, vegetable plaiting materials, vegetable products, articles of iron or steel, inorganic chemicals, precious metal compound (Trading Economics).

      Singapore is the third country with the highest trade exports valued at 1.46 billion euros. Exports to Singapore included, copper, pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, raw hides and skins (other than furskins), leather, vegetable plaiting materials, vegetable products, cotton, ores slag and ash, edible fruits, nuts, peel of citrus fruit, melons, iron and steel and more (Trading Economics).

      Other top export partners with Zambia include:

      • Dem. Rep. of Congo ranked fourth with 1.46 billion euros.
      • EU27 (27 European Union countries after the UK left the EU) placed fifth raking in 378 million euros.
      • South Africa placed sixth with 338 million euros.
      • Zimbabwe is seventh with 204 million euros.
      • Malawi placed eighth with 168 million euros 
      • Namibia ranked nine with 103 million euros 
      • Hong Kong placed last with 99 million euros

      More on Zambia 

      Zambia, landlocked country in south-central Africa. It is situated on a high plateau and takes its name from the Zambezi River, which drains all but a small northern part of the country.

      Large parts of Zambia are thinly populated. Much of population is concentrated in the country’s most developed area—known as the Line of Rail—which is served by the railway linking the Copperbelt with Lusaka, the capital, and with the border town of Livingstone.

      • Published: 25th August, 2022



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