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  • 22nd August, 2023

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      From Quick Charts

      Africa Has One Fifth Of The World Land Area But Less Road And Rail Network As Of 2023

      Africa Has One Fifth Of The World Land Area But Less Road And Rail Network As Of 2023

      Transportation cost in Africa is about 63% higher than it is in developed countries which hampers competitiveness in the local and international market. 

      Today, the proportion of paved roads in the continent is five times less than those in developed countries despite having a higher land surface area. 

      China and the United States of America are only about 1/3 of the size of Africa, yet their road network is more than twice as long as Africa's. 

      Africa is currently facing an infrastructural deficit in transport networks which does not encourage intra-regional trade on the continent.

      • Published: 22nd August, 2023



      Davoro Morris
      a year ago

      Africa should be able to encourage proper transportation systems like rail ways, and it should be done by private Individuals and not the governments


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