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  • 13th September, 2023

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      From Quick Charts

      African Countries With The Most Sustainable Environmental Practices By Index As Of 2022

      African Countries With The Most Sustainable Environmental Practices By Index As Of 2022

      Biodiversity loss, pollution, climate change, and land degradation are some of the environmental challenges the African continent has faced over the years. 

      Some countries in Africa have used environmental services as an instrument for promoting sustainable practices in the environment. 

      Based on the environmental practices index set by the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, African countries such as Seychelles have made the most significant environmental performance in Africa with an index of 55.6, ranking 32 among the countries in the world. 

      Botswana with an index of 54, ranks 35 among 180 countries, while Sao Tome & Principe has an index of 52.9 with a global rank of 38. Namibia and Gabon round up the top 5 African countries with the best environmental practices with an index of 50.9 and 49.7, ranking 44 and 51 in the world as of 2022.

      • Published: 13th September, 2023



      4 months ago

      when shopping for where to spend my safari trip money, environmental integrity will be my first consideration

      Ailly Hangula-Paulino
      4 months ago

      More companies in Africa must be held accountable for the environment in which they operate. People are not going to tolerate companies violating the environment and the organisations that do not keep this in mind will have face dire consequences.


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